
Establishing Goals

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John Green, one of my biggest role-models, once said, “Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.” Nostalgia means something you long for, I long for a bright future. In my future, I desire to be an author. In order to accomplish that, I must thoughtfully construct a plan that will lead me to the ultimate result of the life that I crave for. Authors influenced me to want to become an author myself. After reading a wide range of books by varying writers like Ned Vizzini, J.D Salinger, Natalie Babbit, Mitch Albom, and as I said earlier, John Green, I am determined to leave that evangelical zeal that you get from books, and only books, on my readers the way many books have done to me before. Establishing goals is crucial to actualizing my dreams of having a gratifying career as a Young Adult/Teen novelist. Knowledge is a key aspect when creating the goals that you will pursue because it is extremely beneficial to know which universities you are bound to attend. For instance, my university of choice is Columbia University of New York. I would like to study at Columbia University because I am interested in the clubs and activities they have available there such as The Artist Society Blog, Quiz Bowl, and Feminist Thought. Furthermore, Columbia University has many classes and courses for writing. Defining clear goals for myself will motivate me to propel forward with my endeavors. With a definite mindset of where I want to end up, a Point A to a Point B, it will ease any stress

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