
My Dream Life In High School

Decent Essays

Students work hard in school so that they could obtain the job they always dreamed of having. They work hard, and their inspirations help them push forward. This was however different for me. I did not have that type of inspiration. The only reason I did well in school was because my mom told me to, and so, I tried my best in every class. When people asked me what I wanted to go to college for, I struggled to give them an answer. However, after my years in highschool, I now know what I want to do in the future. Generally, people pick classes that would help them learn skills that they could apply to their dream job in the future. However, I picked classes that would fit most college criterias such as a world language and the core …show more content…

When it comes to making new original designs I struggle, but if it is improving something that is already made, I tend to come up with potentially great ideas. After this class, I decided to take another engineering class my junior year. In this engineering class, I learned the design process for products, and how important it is to work as a group and to fulfill each task. There was one time where my group decided to goof off and watch youtube, while I worked on the programming for our marble sorter. Thinking about it now, it was kinda my fault because I did not communicate to them more often. On the next project, we had to design a vehicle that would carry an object to a certain distance, and after that return after someone takes the item off. I took charge in this project, and I assigned both my group members to make a vehicle, while I did the programming. I communicated with my group, and they were able to complete the vehicle. I completed the programming, and when we tested out the vehicle, it was a success. It was then I decided that I wanted to become a computer scientist. When I go to UWGB, I plan to be a part of the computer science program available there. I know I will have to work in groups for certain projects, and through my engineering classes, I have learned the necessary skills to work in a group. I also know that computer science will not be easy, and most likely I probably will not be good

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