
My Educational Autobiography: Middle School

Decent Essays

Educational Autobiography I have attended Mid-Buchanan my whole life, other than pre-school which I attended my mom school that she teaches at in the St. Joseph School District. I have been at Mid-Buchanan for elementary school, middle school, and high school. Some of my favorite elementary teachers were Mrs. Steiner, Mrs. Goeller, Mrs. McNorthern, and Mr. House. These teachers made a great impact on my life to start out my education career. In middle school, my favorite teachers consisted of Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Foster, and Coach Kountz. I only got to spend two years with these teachers. However, during this time period they helped me prepare for high school and I still see them around the school quite a bit. I am almost done with high …show more content…

Although, Mrs. Steiner made the switch very easy as she would always comfort me if I got worked up about something. Throughout elementary school, my mom pushed me pretty hard to get all A's. This consisted of reading every night and studying for tests I had coming up. Looking back at that I am very happy that I was pushed hard at a young age because it helped shape me for my future. Once I got to middle school she stopped pushing me as hard and I was pretty much on my own. But because she pushed me in elementary school I was able to continue study skills and stuff like that my mom had taught me to …show more content…

However, I still studied a lot and did everything I needed to do to continue to receive all A's on my grade cards. I have always made sure to make a good first impression on my teachers so they would know that I was a good kid and student. In high school I have done the same thing as far as getting on the teachers good side at the beginning of the year. This has allowed me go mess around a little bit more throughout the school year and have more fun. This is so because the teachers know you are a good kid that gets your work done and you are just joking around. Now that I am a senior and I'm in my last year of high school I do not stress about very much such as tests and homework. I made sure to take my harder classes my first few years of high school that way I could make an easier schedule for my senior year. My freshman year was not too tough, however it was a different experience than what I had been used to in middle school. My sophomore and junior year of high school were definitely my toughest! During the course of these two years I took and bunch of honors classes to be sure I graduated with honors. The only classes I needed to take my senior year were personal finance and I wanted to take A+ so I would have some of my college payed

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