
My Experience And Lesson : The Missions Centers Of Houston

Decent Essays

First week of nonstop missions work from 8 am to 5 pm is officially over all I can say is I am physically exhausted,but mentally fulfilled. If we are going to be completely honest I had no desire to come to Houston when I first heard the Lord's calling. What I have learned over the years is you don't question the Lord you follow even if every part of you wants to turn away. Well just like every new setting I adapted really well and have learned to call Houston a home away from home. From the street tacos to the diverse culture I couldn't help but fall in love with this city. The first couple days I remember going over all the statistics and thinking I should just lock myself up in a box for safety reasons. I honestly feel safer here in …show more content…

So many of these children come from home lives that I couldn't even begin to relate to. In the matter of a week I have begun desiring to just wanting to hug them a little tighter and offer them the recognition they are searching for. I had no idea how much a child enjoys you dancing like a fool or destroying you in a game of soccer until this summer. My heart burdens for these people I find myself wishing I had the money to buy them everything their hearts to desires, but so far all I have been able to offer them is my time and love. I think at the end of the day that's all they are searching for because you can provide someone with all the money in the world to have nice things, but that won't buy happiness only me sharing the love of Christ will. I can already tell after this past week my favorite days are going to be Wednesdays and Thursdays, simply because I get to interact with babies and elderly who are basically young at heart. On Wednesdays we offer ESL classes to the community and during that I get work in the nursery. I literally almost cried last week getting to hold cute Hispanic babies with the cutest chubby cheeks. Honestly, that was my favorite aspect of the day that it totally foreshadowed the events of the rest of the day. Thursdays put up a tough fight with the cute old ladies all dressed up and ready for us to paint their nails. Most of them were just dying to talk to someone. My moment of really seeing Christ was on Thursday when I got to

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