
Child Poverty In The Uk Essay

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In the last 30 years, there has been increase in child poverty in the Britain.1 We, as a community, should do as much as we can to help in removing child poverty.

We all know what it means to be poor, it means to be short of money, unable to afford many of services that other people of the society can. Child poverty means to be living in a family where they are having hard time making ends meet. As one of the richest country, 3.9 million children in the UK living in poverty is apalling.2 What is even worse is London, the capital city, having ‘the highest rate of child poverty of any English region.’3

Childhood is most important as that lays a foundation of their future and living in poverty for any amount of time has impact on their life and potential. It is well known fact that living in poverty has a huge impact on a person, depending on how severe the poverty was or the duration of …show more content…

I feel ashamed that we live in a society where people living in poverty do not speak of their issues and concerns because they are worried that their voices will not be heard and their concerns will be patronised.
As Frances Ryan wrote ‘The wrong people are feeling shame for Britain's poverty’ and I agree. 4 They do not choose to wear worn out and dirty clothing because ‘Proud to be poor’ is not a banner under which many want to march’.3
Child Poverty Strategy, 2014-2017, is in place which hopes break the cycle of disadvantage. 6 I believe that this strategy is very good to reduce poverty because it has good, realistic ways to reduce poverty.
In most extreme cases, these children are denied their basic rights. We can’t just sit back and do nothing I urge you to help in our own ways to reduce poverty. There are many ways to help such as campaigns, donations and charity help and provide support for families and children living in

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