
My Experience At School And Outside Of School

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To you, I, Dora Su, may not seem like a very special person just because I am not perfect, but I am definitely limited edition. For sure, I am not your typical teenager; in fact, I am the person to learn high level mathematics and science in my free time rather than the person who would play video games such as League of Legends or text and socialize in their free time. Time to me is very valuable and I enjoy spending this time learning and spending it wisely while having bits of fun. As myself, I am an immensely ambitious in learning and trying new activities, I am a risk-taker for challenges, and I am highly active as well as self-responsible and creative person. My distinct personality makes me different from everyone else and explains …show more content…

For instance, I tend to try-out for every sports team at school despite not even being decent at the sport and not making it, I am not afraid to take on the challenge and making a fool of myself. At school, I have joined the cross-country team every single year with improvements each year; in grade 4, I received 93rd place and this year I have been training hard, not missing a single practice so the hard work paid off with my 1st place at areas and 22nd at regionals despite a fall. Running at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon 5k event is also something I want to do next year. Additionally, I participate and place in track and field each year, making it to areas and regionals as well as the badminton team which I placed first with my mixed doubles partner at areas. I also join clubs such as the Yearbook Committee and Robotics Club at school; I am also planning to start a Math and Science Club at school with my friends. Badminton is the sport I enjoy outside of school as I play in a competitive team outside of school around 5 times a week; this develops my competitive personality, but also builds my sportsmanship. I have also participated in many sports before badminton such as swimming, gymnastics, skating, and karate; though I do not regularly take part in these sports as I have lots of extra-curricular activities that keep me busy from the moment I get home, I do enjoy them recreationally for fun. Self-motivation

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