
My Experience Of College Freshman

Decent Essays

Good Day Everyone I would like to share my first semester in college life and my experience. My first semester in college. I notice about’ve been noticing how college freshmen are so obviously college freshmen. I was extremely nervous about meeting people and making friends at National College of Business and Arts. I also totally remember the excitement, anxiousness and remarkable amount of cluelessness that comes with being a brand spankin’ new college freshman. The first semester of my freshman year of college was a whole bunch of not getting what I wanted. Not getting things that I applied for. Not fitting into the group of people that I wanted to be friends with. Not having any of the guys that I was interested in be interested back. Not achieving the grades I wanted (and kind of assumed I would get). That’s just a whole lot of experience …show more content…

And it’s an experience that I offer to current college freshmen to learn from. But, even more valuable than my lessons learned, is your own experience. I want to lock down and be completely focused on school and get the grades I want. College is way more enjoyable when you are getting good grades. At one point during my first semester my grades weren’t too good, and I wasn’t enjoying college. I was always stressed out and worrying constantly. Every time I went to sleep I would worry, and it really affected me. Now, I started the semester off strong and I’m really enjoying college and I have no worries in the back of my mind Everyone has a different adjustment to college. Maybe you’re the one who can and will hit the ground running. Or maybe you’re like me, and you just need to learn to be patient. So, even if you feel like you’re not getting what you want out of college, just realize that it is an experience for you to learn and grow from. Because this is just the

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