
My Experience Of School Experience In Elementary School

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Well, I’ve had a pretty bad school experience almost my entire life honestly. Elementary school was the only exception. Elementary school years were pretty great had a lot of friends, I was popular among teachers I still technically am. Elementary school was fun had a lot of great times and memories some good some bad, but overall it was pretty great. Minus reading logs those sucked and what made me lose my interest in reading. I was such a great reader I would read like a 7th or 8th-grade level book and I would be done with it in an hour or so and we would need like 400-600 minutes of reading. I hated it because I had to find so many different books and read so many books each month to get at least 400 minutes. Compared to middle school elementary school was a breeze. We had 2 middle schools which the first one was Fire Prairie which was 5th and 6th, and Osage Trail was 7th and 8th. Now Fire Prairie is now called upper elementary which didn’t change until the end of my 6th-grade year. Fire Prairie was a whole new world for me because we had 5 elementary schools and they all came together into one school. Well, it seemed like when we got there everyone acted like they had never met me before all my friends had left me. My only true best friends had moved schools thankfully through the power of Facebook I can actually contact them again. My life was so different I went from the number 3 spot to the 3rd to the last on the board it was crazy for me, so I figured well maybe

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