Based on my experience teaching for the first time a close reading activity I find that responding critically to a text is important because it lets you know more of the reading than event in a text. As a student, I did not like to read and I am guessing is because I was not taught effective reading strategies that could help me improve my reading comprehension and really understand the meaning behind the words of book. Through this activity, the learners, where able to go deeper into the text and got to know more than the brother had died and that she was recalling a fight about a tattoo and a caper they did when damage the just poured cement. Looking back to their answers in the written response, I could see that they were able to understand the use of the strategy and show evidence for what they used it. Being able to apply the skills in a complex text and being ELL students shows that motivation of wanting to learn. When responding to text this close, students are able to find more information and slowly but surely see themselves as proficient readers and are able to sustain reading discussions effectively. Fostering the student’s metacognition helped them understand the reading especially with unknown words besides the one uses as part of the vocabulary word. Being able to set the purpose and reminding them of their actions while reading gives them an opportunity to know what they are doing and what they need to focus on their reading. For a next time, first I
In chapter five, by Cris Tovani, “Why Am I Reading This” explains how educators need to establish a clear reading instructional plan. In order to accomplish understanding students need to concentrate on main ideas from the readings. Tovani explains that it is vital for teachers to model how students should hold their thinking or slow down their reading. Throughout the chapters she gives examples as question strategies, highlighting text, or summarizing key points. As this will benefit students in their reading assignment. Tovani also explains throughout the chapter that teachers should model thinking aloud. This strategy will benefit students on how to negotiate difficult text.
The essential literacy strategy goes along with the standards and learning objectives by using context clues to help the student figure out unknown or unfamiliar words. Students will build reading comprehension skills by using context clues for figuring out unknown or unfamiliar words while they are reading. Then the students will perform the strategies individually. The related skills address the use of prior knowledge of synonyms and antonyms during the hook and transition portion of the lesson. The reading and writing connections go along with the learning objectives, because the students will read their assigned book and picking out words they do not understand. The students will have to write the sentence with the unknown word in it, and use context clues to figure out the definition of the unknown word. The central focus for this unit of study is for the students to use context clues to better their comprehension of what they have read in their assigned books. The students will be able to use context clues within sentences to determine the meaning of unknown or unfamiliar words. These lessons deal with comprehending text by using context clues to help figure out unknown words. The lessons build off each other by adding more detail to learning about context clues. As the lessons progress the students will be more independent when using context clues. The first lesson is learning about what context clues are. The second lesson will focus on using context clues to figure
Metacognition refers to “ thinking about what you are thinking”; the audiences are the ones you want to persuade or to educate. In outcome one, the writer needs to form a metacognition of the use of language in different writing contexts, which requires the writer has a clear understanding of who the audience is so that various aspects of writing will be formed accordingly. Keeping whom the audiences is an important aspect of writing because it determines how the arguments would be delivered in each piece of writing. Hence, the writer should consider the audiences’ needs in the background information provided, the frequency of terminology used, the tone, the style, the word choice and the content. More importantly, having a specific audience
Hobsbaum and Peters (1996) suggest that the purpose of Reading Recovery is to assist students in constructing a self-improving method of knowledge and strategies rather than teaching them a variety of reading rules. Furthermore, the teacher provides enough assistance, referred to as scaffolding, to help the student achieve a task that is within their zone of proximal development (Hobsbaum & Peters). In this way, the student can eventually begin to do tasks independently or with less scaffolding that are slightly more difficult than they can do already. Hobsbaum and Peters (1996) suggest that feedback and praise are critical for student success because the feedback and praise helps students recognize useful strategies they have used and encourage them to continue putting forth effort when reading.
This is a very important strategy for the students to learn so that they are able to read more independently. The students are taught how to take a difficult word that they do not know how to read and break it down into small parts to read it. We want the students to become independent readers. To do this we are taking different things that the students already know and using them to help them uncover new words. Not only does this help the students to decode tricky words, but it also helps them to better comprehend what they are reading. The students are using context clues and making connections to decide what the word is and if it makes
When a reader engages in what he or she is reading, he or she is optimizing learning. When you read something with a determination to understand and evaluate it to fit your needs is active reading. Rereading is not an effective way to understand and learn the text. Reading response assignments have taught me how to read the text carefully for main ideas, important information, and critiques. I have learned when integrating your own ideas with the ideas of others you need to try to avoid plagiarism.
Encourage students to think back to this lesson when they are reading text. “If you come across one of these words or a new word that you do not know, use the sentence or sentences around the word to figure out the meaning.”
There are several reasons why I believe reading is important. First, it is an enjoyable pastime. While reading, characters and storylines get absorbed into your brain. This leads to creating bonds and connections to fictional people, forming other worlds we can use to escape our sometimes bitter reality.
The third goal is develop a metacognitive understanding of the processes of reading, writing, and thinking, I did by doing the discourse essay, and personal narrative, journals and reading response.The discourse community essay contained thinking because I had to think back how writing was being used and how I could support that.Then getting it all down on the paper by writing the essay. Reading was
Strategic readers monitor their thinking and recognize when errors are committed but they also know what strategy to use to correct the error. For example, they may need to reread the text to make sense, use context clues to understand unfamiliar words. No matter what the obstacle is, a fix-up strategy is applied. The K-W-L is a well- known teaching technique to assist in the monitoring strategy. The K-W-L chart provides the teacher and students opportunity to participate in discussions before, during, and after reading. It helps the student to ask and answer questions, identify the main idea and detail, and summarize the text (Santoro, Baker, Fien, Smith, and Chard, 2016 p. 284).
This could be interpreted in an easier way to understand such as not just throwing words on a page. Learning how use metacognition is a major step in learning how to write good essays because it shows you are actually thinking and putting in the effort to show you took time to understand the topic being written about. “Students who succeed academically often rely on being able to think effectively and independently in order to take charge of their learning,” says Marcus Conyers who is a co-developer of graduate degree courses focused on applications of education, mind, and brain science. Many teachers have said that learning cognitive and metacognitive strategies offers them tools to “drive their brains”
As College students, it is important for us to determine what kind of reader we are. By researching, we can discover which strategy works the best for us. Some of the strategies that are being used by students to increase their reading comprehension are; self-monitoring,
One of the first things that this author would do is to teach students how to make connections while reading. When students make personal connections with what they are reading by using their prior knowledge, it helps them to retain information. There are three main types of connections we make while reading text; we can make connections to what we are reading and our own experiences in life, we can make connections from one book to another (like reading a Nancy Drew book and reading a Trixie Belden book), and we can make connections to what we are reading and things that are going on in the world around us. By helping Jose learn to make connections while he reads, Jose will be able to more readily remember what he has read and make sense of it (Comprehension Strategies, n.d.).
Students having hard times in comprehending the thought of the text and what the author implies. It seems to be reading by words but not reading between the lines. It is important to know how comprehension plays an integral part in a manner of thinking and conceptualizing facts and ideas from the
There are a few different reading strategies that can help a person become a critical reader. A reading strategy that could lead upcoming undergraduate students to become critical readers is a strategy that is called “Crap Analysis”. There are more strategies used to become a critical reader that includes increasing