
My Experience With The Jet Program Essay

Decent Essays

If chosen for the ALT position with the JET Program, I would strive to establish a positive, fun, and upbeat environment that will bring excitement to Japanese students learning English. I took the opportunity to study Japanese during a language class while in High School and I learned so much from the guidance of my Japanese teacher, Mr. Zachary Carr. Mr. Carr’s course inspired me to become a teacher in Japan with his optimistic, calm personality and deep passion for teaching English and Japanese to his students. Mr. Carr also had no Japanese speaking skills while living in Japan, but with his determination and work ethic, he became fluent in the language. While in class, he never gave up on me and my classmates while he was teaching Japanese to us and thanks to him, I have grown a love for the Japanese Language. I will continue this route as an educator and make impacts toward student’s life just like how Mr. Carr impacted my life. I am convinced that my collegiate experiences, interest in Japanese language and culture, and desire to teach make me an ideal candidate. The biggest outcome that I hope to gain is acceptance by the Japanese community and for them to see how my hard work was a positive influence for the school staffs and their students. For example, I will create an after-school tutoring service for students to take advantage of receiving extra help. I will also participate in all social gatherings that the school has to offer. I will create side projects for

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