
My Family : The Worst Story Of My Life

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This is a story about me. MY family, MY home and the worst experience of MY life, but we can start with him. He grew up with five other siblings and a father that used a belt on them after one small mistake. My mother and him grew up in the same city on the same block, so they knew each other as children before they were married. I want to make it perfectly clear that he was not my father. My mother married him two years after she divorced my father. “D” came into my life when I was too young to know the difference between a good person and a bad one.
In the beginning “D” brought a lot of joy and laughter into our lives, mine and my older sisters. At the time my sister was nine and I was five. The first time we met him was at a dinner party with his family. My mother and him were not introducing themselves as a couple yet but they were very close the entire night. After that he was just...around. With us living in Chicago and him in Wisconsin he wasn’t at our house everyday but almost every weekend. I can still smell the pancakes that he would make every Sunday morning. He made jokes, brought us presents and he encouraged my mom to step outside of her comfort zone. I can remember one day, my mother took my sister and I out for a day of fun. She brought us to the mall to shop then out to lunch at our favorite restaurant, and after all that she got us ice cream. At the ice cream parlor she told us in a very cheerful tone that she had found a new job. This new job brought us

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