
My Family Vacation

Decent Essays

On August 4, 2017 I went on vacation to finally meet my family in Mexico. My grandmother Margarita Barrera Diego and my uncle Adolfo, from my dad side, were waiting on me and my siblings at the airport. It was such an emotional moment for us since most of my grandmothers children were raised in the United states of America, she didn’t get the chance to experience having her children in Mexico and being a mom, thus making us her grandkids the chance to be a mother and to get to know us more. In my house we call Margarita Barrera Diego, “Mama Margarita” because it was a sign of love towards her and respect. Margarita got really sick because she wasn’t eating properly, she said that the family doctor tried to help her, but she didn’t want to receive help from anyone. It was one of the scariest thing to tell someone that is far away from their love ones. I had just met her in person and it was going to be the last time I was going to see her again. Now, I can say it is a blessing to have the honor to interview her about her life history and aside gossip with her. She was excited to have a deep talk with me even when we are far from each other everytime we talk one that phone we stay for hours. Not only she’s my grandma, but she is also one of my best friends that I look up to and admired for her braveness. She has proven that she is strong and according to her she doesn't like to rest she says it makes her “sick” that's why she always active.

Margarita said if someone

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