
My Father Is My Hero

Decent Essays

My dad is my hero.
It was only last week when I was prompted to recall this. When I tore my meniscus five months ago, I underwent surgery in order to remove the damaged tissue. Recovery was going well, but unbeknownst to me, if you do not keep up with your physical therapy exercises, then you will regress in your abilities. I had been running just the week before, but within a week I learned this brutal lesson because I could no longer walk. It was a setback in my running due to overuse and a regrettable lack of motivation to do my physical therapy exercises.
Yet as much pain as I was in, this was only like a glimpse into my father’s life with cerebral palsy. Due to his shortened hamstring muscles, he is unable to extend his legs fully, …show more content…

For clarification, cerebral palsy is a diverse disorder that affects every patient uniquely. It is usually marked by severely diminished motor coordination and spastic muscle qualities. Notably is Melody from the novel Out of My Mind. She is an example of a critical case of CP where she cannot sit upright or talk. However, there are patients on the other end of the spectrum, including my dad. These individuals can control many fine motor movements, and often, they can walk with some aid.
It would be easy for my dad to succumb to his circumstances, choose to be inactive, have a negative outlook on life. What is so inspiring about my father is that he did not take this road. Instead he falls into the category with other able-bodied dads: he has an unfortunate choice in calf-length white socks, ancient New Balance sneakers, and a preoccupation with road maps and directions.

Here is an image of my father. My mom insisted on taking this picture of him while we were celebrating his most recent birthday. To the unsuspecting viewer, my dad is a jovial man who has just turned 29. One might say that his smile lights up the room as much as the cake. Although he was actually turning 59, the candles turn back the clock 30 years because he has a comical obsession with claiming that he is perpetually 29. I suppose the older one gets, the more denial he or she must feel.
This photograph encapsulates my father’s personality. He incarnates the phrase “When life gives you lemons,

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