
My Favorite Christmas Season

Decent Essays

“Are you serious Clark”? Is one of the famous sayings you’ll hear my dad quoting throughout the Christmas season. Christmas is my absolute favorite season, and I do quite know the reason. Christmas was always filled with a lot of joyous experiences; my entire family always became so happy immediately after the Thanksgiving Holiday ended. My dad probably influenced me the most when it comes to Christmas; because the Christmas season was the only time his dysfunctional family unified.
My favorite part about Christmas was all of the traditions my family had. The first one was watching the movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” on Thanksgiving night while starting to decorate the house for Christmas. My family and I never wasted any time on getting into the Christmas Spirit, but it really has never taken much for us to get into it. Usually, within the next day or two, we would go out in our front wheel drive sleigh and find that one perfect Christmas tree that was a “little full” and had “a lotta sap”. Every year my dad would cut it down with the same dull saw that he said the previous year he was going to replace and it was always quite comical watching him cut the tree down; sometimes I thought it would have been faster if he just dug it out of the ground with his bare hands. If you have watched Christmas
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Vacation then you can clearly tell how much my family and I love it. Every year I buy my dad a new Christmas Vacation tree ornament from the Hallmark store;

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