
My Favorite Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

As a child, I was able to spend a lot of time with my mother in her classroom. Now, as I look back, these days were incredible. They could even be described as my favorite memories. I remember the night before going to her work, I could not sleep. I was overtly excited to see Mom’s first and second grade students, giddy with excitement about what activities she would have me help with. When we would step into her bright and colorful room, I would instinctively run to the whiteboard and replace it’s clean, blank surface with the days date. This was very important to my young self. So important that I would re-write it again and again to make sure it was absolutely perfect before I would change the weather board and evaluate the day’s lunch menu. Mom would then run off to her morning meeting; this is when I often found myself sitting in her rocking chair, practicing reading the book her and her students were discussing. This way, I would be able to read it flawlessly when all of her small students were all sitting below me on the carpet. As I got older I continued to help Mom in her classroom over the summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. It became one of my favorite activities, something I looked forward to all summer long. I helped her plan her themes; she often chose blue and green colors. Likewise, owls were typically the animal of her choosing. Although, if it were completely up to me, I would have chosen that my animal be a lion so I could call my classroom the

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