
My Favorite Place: Connection With Nature Is Important?

Decent Essays

Activity 1. Read the following introductions to the descriptive essays. Point out the thesis and the hook in each one. Which introductions catch the readers’ attention? Why?
1. Zabaykalsky Krai
I have lived in Zabaikalsky Krai all my life. I really love its incomparable nature, transparent rivers, lofty mountains, boundless steppes and fields, and azure sky. If I have to stay away from my native place for a long time, I miss it all the time and frequently feel powerless. Although our region is harsh with cold and long winters and rainless and cool summers, we cannot help adoring our homeland.
2. My Favourite Place
Connection with nature is vital for any person. If you have that unique place where quietude and harmony reign, the grass …show more content…

Read through the following paragraphs. Is the object described unambiguously? Which moments should be made clearer? Which information seems irrelevant? Speak on the necessary changes, if any.
1. When I feel tired, I like to walk along the Rivers Ingoda or Chitinka and to watch the running water, rolling over little stones. I listen to the chirping of funny gray birds, playing along the bank. I gaze into a deep and crystal clear water surface, and this view calms me down. I admire stunning high mountains, covered with a rainbow carpet of flowers and grass. Large clouds slowly move over the sky. The bright sun illuminates the river water, making it absolutely transparent. I love to observe swimming fish, study different shapes and colours of seaweed. I feel part of nature.
2. Nothing is dearer to one’s heart than the person’s native land, the place where you feel protected and unconditionally welcomed. If you want to relax after studying or working, you go to your favourite nature spot, chosen from the childhood. The cool river rattles alongside it, rolling small pebbles, the tall trees rustle, and in summer the busy bees hum above the flowers. The heart instantly softens from such spirituality and beauty, and all the problems recede into the background. Having escaped to your own place, you lie down on the soft grass and watch the clouds serenely running across the sky, chewing a blade of grass, dreaming, listening to your favourite …show more content…

The most precious photo is that of my grandparents. In the picture the grandfather is sitting on a chair, his hands on his knees. He is wearing a white shirt and a black suit. He has broad shoulders and big strong arms. He worked hard all his life. Grandfather’s hair is dark; he has thick black eyebrows, brown eyes, and large puffy lips. He looks brutal because of a strong-willed chin and wide cheekbones. However, he has kind eyes and a mischievous smile. Looking at the girl in the photo, I always smile. My grandmother is standing near her husband with her hand on his shoulder. She has a conservative, low-key appearance. Her long black dress looks smart. Her hair is tidy. On the photo she is smiling slightly. I have never seen my grandfather; my grandmother died when I was 4 years old. The only thing that I remember is her voice and the warm touch of her hands. I treasure this picture, because it is the only opportunity to look at

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