Camp Hurontario My favourite place in the world is Camp Hurontario located in the Georgian Bay directly next to the Massassauga provincial park. This is an area that I feel very strongly about because of the influential effect it has had on my life and the way it makes me feel whenever I go back. When choosing Camp Hurontario as my favourite place I went back to look at our class definitions on the ideas of place and space to help my choice. “Place is defined as a portion of geographical space occupied by a person or thing”(Duncan 1981), structured by the locale, location and the structure of feeling. Using the idea of place outlined by Duncan above I can define my favourite place through landscape, culture, and history.
When thinking about my favourite place a lot of thought went into the landscape of the areas that I was choosing, thinking about distinctive features that drew me back to this particular region. In terms of Camp Hurontario not much has changed of the natural landscape in its seventy five year history except for building and expansion on the island, although it has come a long way from what is was before being purchased. D.W Meinig explains to us in “The Beholding Eye,” stating “Nature provides a stage. The earth is a platform, but lf thereon is furnished with man’s effects so extensively that you cannot find a scrap of pristine nature.” (Meinig 36) the relationship between man and nature is delicate and millions of years old and camp was the first place to
An exceptional place it was, the place where my voyage began. A place of marvelous happenings, festivities, and majestic sights. A place that is valued for its vast diversity through distinct cultures and its people. A place where even perspicacious meteorologists are incapable of providing the daily forecast, accurately that is.
I am Jeffrey Romelus from Brockton, Massachusetts. I have been attending Camp Sankaty for 4 years. While at camp I would be responsible at times in the dormitories. It would be my responsibility to make sure everything was in order. I have helped during the morning and during the night.
For my place narrative assignment, I chose to focus on a place that I not only visit frequently, but truly appreciate: Mount Douglas. This is a place I value not only for its beauty, but for the calmness it allows me to experience as a result of being part of nature. As it turns out, this has been the location of many important histories, dating back hundreds of years, and is still making history today. This history is significant both ecologically, and culturally, and is something I have enjoyed learning about. Through researching this place, and its surrounding area I have come to learn its importance branches far greater than its importance to me.
All eyes in the world turn to one specific event in the United States. The electoral race is one of the most important events in the world today. The President of the United States is considered by many as, “the leader of the free world,” and is greatly viewed as one of the world’s most powerful leaders. After Donald trump’s two terms, the United States is looking to fill the role of the President. With Donald Trump being a republican, the Democratic party is really pushing to find a nominee to be the next president.
Hess, D. (2011). Mcknight's Physical Geography; A Landscapes Appreciation. (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc
When I crossed by the snow covered sign that read “Welcome to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness National Park” and looked at what surrounded me, I was beside myself. I didn’t know that trees could ever be so beautiful. The towering trees were the perfect shade of dark emerald green, and the way the snow piled on them looked like painting. I thought I was living a fairytale. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever laid eyes on.
In Macbeth, Macbeth did so many abominable things to gain power and even then I feel as if the power wasn’t enough for him. It seems like power has the same effect that a addictive drug would , once someone gets that certain feeling it makes them want it want more and more and more until they get so caught up in it that the crash. Macbeth’s drug was power because he went through extreme actions to gain the power is sought out. He killed his king and had the two guards killed to put the cold hearted murder on them and then put the blame on more people. His craving for the power the king has must have been a craving so deep the ocean couldn’t fulfill it because he was able to kill and blame people who he's known and grew with for a while.
Growing up I always heard the saying "all good things must come to an end," but I never thought about it that deeply. Sure, everything has an end, like a book or a movie series or even a day. Everything has and always will have an end to them whether we want, need or anticipate it. While I was aware of this I had never had something that affected me enough to make me sad that it was coming to an end until this summer.
The rationale for potential prosecution from the breach is that the manufacturing company failed in its duty under section 3.1 of the Act this being the contract company were working on the company premises carrying out work for the client the manufacturing company so under their control. To further this the manufacturing company site supervising engineer stated that he was aware of a handrail being removed but did not authorise the removal. This is clearly a fall protection safe guard that should not have been removed. As the contract company were working under the manufacturing company instruction overall on this project they failed in their duty of care to these non-employee. They did not take action that was reasonably practicable to prevent this accident from occurring.
Sense of place is a perspective of geography that can be seen in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. As noted in The Human Mosaic sense of place is a term used to connote the humanistic view of geography, it seeks to understand the unique character of individual regions and places. In The Grapes of Wrath, farmers and their families are being kicked off of their land, when one family is selling all of their belongings one exclaims “This land, this red land, is us; and the flood years and the dust years and the drought years, are us. We can’t start again… And when the owner men told us to go, that’s us; and when the tractor hit the house, that’s us until we’re dead.” This was land was their place, they made memories there. Power and Ideology
There are many natural places all over the world. One of the places I have been to, and really enjoyed, is Niagara Falls. This place is absolutely amazing. It has amazing sights and scenes, as well as other fun tourist attractions. Going on the tour at Niagara Falls taught me a lot about the site. I love this place because everytime I go there I am sent to this place that I could find, it just takes me away
Place” – focusing on creating a unique and relaxing experience and atmosphere. The “Third Place” is one
The Power of Place makes me realize how influential my surroundings create my persona; however, I
With every single experience we go through we grow. We develop opinions based on what we witness through life, and we learn to see the world from different perspectives. What we learn in our upbringing is vital to how we act and think for the rest of our lives. In the short story “Indian Camp” from 1921, writer Ernest Hemmingway shows us, how one single experience can change a little boy’s perception of the world and make him grow.
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities.