
My Favorite Political Leader : Fidel Castro

Good Essays

Merlina Ramos
LALS 311
Professor Nieves
October 26, 2015

Fidel Castro Although it isn’t likely for one to hear, my favorite political leader would be Fidel Castro. In a world where many democratic powers reside, communist/socialist affiliates are frowned upon; however this is one character that truly has had success in his role as a “communist” leader. The United States is the main leader in the charge against countries associated with communism/socialism, and it often demonizes those that don’t embrace its ideals in the public’s eyes. So they often antagonize these other leaders and countries. Even though Castro landed in the cross hairs of the U.S, a super power in his early years of leadership, he somehow managed to still have much success. After taking his seat in power Fidel Castro recognized what his nation’s weaknesses were and was very well determined to correct. He created a very refined and exemplar health care system. He also made education of more importance in his country removing illiteracy from his home. Most of all he managed to succeed even while a super power attempted to oppress him. Throughout his entire political career he had many outstanding qualities that a leader requires. Even before he was in power he had the motivation and qualities to become a leader. Before Fidel’s rise to power he became an educated citizen. Graduated out of the university of Havana as a law student. It was only after attempting to run for the Cuban House of

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