
My Favorite Sport

Decent Essays

For as long as I can remember, I have been an athlete. That was my identity from the day I was old enough to play sports. I started out doing gymnastics when I was three years old and then added soccer a year later. In elementary school, I added basketball and tennis to the mix. In 7th grade I tried field hockey and lacrosse. By the time high school came along, I had decided that field hockey would be my main sport and I would play collegiately. I loved field hockey more than I loved most people. I played for hours every single day. My typical day consisted of waking up, going to school, playing field hockey, and going to bed. Sure, I was involved in some clubs and I did well in school, but most people knew me as the field hockey girl. On …show more content…

All of the hard work I had put in finally paid off. Fast forward to the fall of my freshman year of college, I was thriving. I ended up starting as a freshman, and was so proud to be able to call myself a student athlete. Every time I put on my uniform I was overcome with an intense wave of pride. From the moment I stepped on campus, I was instantly labeled as an athlete. Everything I did at college revolved around field hockey. I scheduled my classes around field hockey, I went to field hockey practice, I ate meals with my team, I lived with my team, and I wore clothes that publicized my status as an athlete. Just like in high school, I was known as the field hockey girl.
By the time I prepared to leave for my sophomore year, something had changed. I no longer smiled uncontrollably as I drove up to the field hockey field. I started checking my watch every five minutes counting down the minutes till practice was over. I no longer got butterflies in my stomach on game day. I no longer cared. I lost interest “the way you fall asleep; slowly and then all at once.” I started questioning why I was even playing field hockey. I debated quitting, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t disappoint the people around me. So many people had put time and energy into helping me get to where I was. Everyone was constantly telling me how proud they were of me. I was constantly reminded of the fact that I was an athlete and that was how everyone saw me. By the time my sophomore season came to

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