
My First Day Of School

Decent Essays

My heart was pounding and I couldn't sit still. It was the first day of school. While summer had just reached its peak, here I was at summer school. Thankfully, I had never failed a class. I just wanted to get a bit ahead in high school. It was a decision that I was beginning to regret. I could still be sleeping in my cozy bed at home, but yet I chose to take summer school, and here I was. I was in my dad's car, it was precisely 8:24 and class started at 8:30. We were parked in front of the school and I had no idea where to enter from or where to go. My stomach was full of butterflies and I was already filled with fear. After my dad called the school and found the door they had specified, it was time to go. As I was getting out of the car, my dad yelled "Have a nice day!", "Easy for him to say," I thought. Not only did I not know anybody in the school, I was sure that 95% of the kids in summer school would have failed the class previously, leading me to question their friendliness and behavior. In addition, I was also sure that everyone there already had freshman year under their belt, meaning they would be familiar with the school. I was the odd one out, fresh out of 8th grade and not even a freshman. "At least I will know the building when high school actually starts," I thought as I walked to the door.

As soon as I entered the school, I was confused. I guess my nervousness bled through because a staff member at the door immediately told me to go down the hall and check what room I would be in for the next 14 days of intense school. I found my name on the cork board and navigated to the right room. Once I entered, I sat down at a desk right next to the door and against the wall in a vacant desk. I was careful to pick a spot not too close to anybody but not far enough that everybody would notice my nervousness. My dad had told me to be confident in myself. It wasn't so easy, out of the few kids already in the classroom most of them were talking amongst themselves. While they conversed, I sat there awkwardly, longing for the clock to strike 8:30 so that the class could begin. When the minute finally came, the teacher did the usual: she introduced herself and presented the syllabus to the class. Luckily, I

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