
My First Three Meditations - Original Ideas

Decent Essays

Greetings! I am writing in response to your request of me to review your first three Meditations. Truly, I have never seen such original ideas. You never cease to amaze me with your extraordinary talent in philosophical thinking. In this letter I am going to address some claims which I feel are astounding and others which I feel may be inconsistent. However, I will warn you before you progress that I do not believe that there will ever be a flawless idea, despite the fact that I do feel some of your ideas are very well written. One argument which truly catches my attention is the one where you try to prove that a good god exists. You attempt to prove this by using the idea of different levels of reality. In your text, you state that, …show more content…

With this reasoning in mind, you also propose that an effect cannot have more reality than its cause and thus should have just as much reality as its cause. You go on to state that, “…the idea that enables me to understand a supreme deity, eternal, finite, omniscient, omnipotent, and creator of all things other than himself, clearly has more objective reality within it than do those ideas through which finite objects are displayed” (Descartes 28, Margin 40). Therefore, the idea of God, which is infinite cannot be one composed by a mere human who is finite. Due to our levels of experience and our lack of exposure to anything that is infinite, it is impossible for us to develop the idea from anywhere that something or someone can be immortal. Thus, you come to the conclusion that only God could have created the idea of God, being that he or she is of the same level of reality. So, you believe that the idea of God is innate in us. I truly believe that this is a very compelling argument that is well reasoned. I admire the originality of this idea and I believe you did exceedingly well on using your reasoning of levels of objective reality to come to the conclusion that there is a God who is good.
However, I also believe that any argument no matter how well argued may be doubted. I recall that you noted, “What will be true? Perhaps, just the single fact that nothing is certain” (Descartes 17, Margin 24). So, with that thought in mind, I would like to propose some

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