
My Five Core Values Of Responsibility In The Workplace

Decent Essays

A lot of the dilemmas that arise in the professional world fall into the gray area. Not knowing how to properly respond to the dilemmas will lead to wrong decisions that sometimes end a person’s career. Learning about professional responsibility allows me to gain an exposure to the dilemmas that I may encounter at the workplace. In modules one and two, I have learned to identify my values and define professional responsibility through readings and class activities. My five core values are honesty, respect, perseverance, kindness, and passion. For me, honesty and respect are the most important ones, because I strongly believe in the Golden Rule. It is only through honesty that trust can be built upon. Mutual respect is about being nonjudgmental about the differences between another individual and I. Though I may not agree with another person’s beliefs or life choices, I still refrain from making criticisms on the thoughts or actions of another, and I want to be treated the same way. It is especially important to show respect to those with a medial job, because some people often forget that they are still active contributors to the well-being of the society. In addition, I believe that nobody is entitled to his or her success. Perseverance keeps me working diligently toward my goals. Sometimes the tasks are dull, but I will not easily give up if they bring benefits to me at the end. A simple act of kindness does not require much effort, but it can make someone else’s life

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