
My Forbidden Face: Growing Up Under The Taliban By Latifa

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Islam and Women
The synopsis of My Forbidden Face: Growing Up Under the Taliban by Latifa is that of a sixteen-year-old girl who calls herself Latifa, because the use of her actual name could get her and her family either beaten or punished severely, or even death, even today. The book talks about how Latifa and her family react to the Taliban invading Kabul, the city where she lives it also talks about how she survives and eventually escapes to France through Pakistan. They have to suffer while the Taliban ignores that a woman “‘has the same right as an Afghan man to exercise personal freedom, choose a career, and find a partner in marriage’”(Latifa 53). The Taliban ignores that law and thinks what they are doing to women is just, and that makes Latifa angry and upset that she cannot attend college like her sister and mother, nor can she do anything anymore. …show more content…

Women cannot even leave the house without being questioned or beaten. They have to be with a male family member. They cannot wear whatever they like, and they are forced to wear hijabs. They are treated like third class citizens, and in The Islamic State’s eyes, women are third class citizens. They have no rights, whatsoever. As a matter of fact, in the novel the Taliban (who was the main terrorist group at the time the novel was actually taking place) had decrees that all had a “certain logic: the extermination of the Afghan woman”(Latifa 52). The Taliban and ISIS hate women, and they want women to be of little

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