
Essay on A Woman's Place: The Kite Runner

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Throughout Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner, the reader observes many injustices committed due to the presence of the Taliban and cultural conflict in Afghanistan. One of the most concerning issues in Afghanistan is the mistreatment and inequality that women face on a daily basis due to Taliban mandates. Women in Afghanistan are treated as inferior beings to men and are unable to stand up for themselves due the laws the Taliban enforces. Hosseini uses the wives of Amir and Hassan, Soraya and Farzana, to represent the injustices to which women in Afghanistan are subjected. Before the rise of the Taliban in the early 1990s, women in Afghanistan were mostly treated as equals and with respect. Though women were still expected to be …show more content…

The Taliban implemented laws restricting the movements and actions of women in Afghanistan in public places. While attempting to visit her child in a home for young girls, Laila is beaten within an inch of her life as a consequence of walking outside without a male escort (Hosseini). The extreme course of action, beating a woman for walking alone, demonstrates the illogical and unjustifiable actions the Taliban promotes the practice of in Afghanistan. The women and men have dramatically unequal rights. Though men are seen to be worthy of an effective education, the Taliban believes that women should not be educated. Soraya goes against this belief when she chooses to become a teacher in America (Hosseini). In contrast, Miriam is laughed at and reprimanded when she expresses a desire to be educated like her half-brothers (Hosseini). Her mother tells her that education gives women a false sense of equality, and her husband later uses her lack of education to torment her and insult her intelligence. The Taliban does not believe that women should be educated; they are utterly against it. Many attacks have occurred due to protests that women should be educated just as men should be educated. “The Taliban jailed and then deported a female foreign aid worker who had promoted home-based work for women and home

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