
My Goals For Life

Decent Essays

Who am I? Who do I hope to be? What are my goals for life? These were all questions I was asked in fifth grade during a project. My answer was, when I am older I want to play in the WNBA, own a big house, and be super rich. Of course, as times have changed I have gotten older my hopes, dreams, and goals have quite a bit.
Today, when I am asked about who I am and my answers have changed a lot since fifth grade. Physically, I am a freshman in college. I play women’s basketball, and plan to double major in business administration and sports management. I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and stand at five feet and eight inches tall. While all of those aspects make up who I am, they don’t really describe anything about my personality. So, on top of all of those things I am also a hard-worker, passionate, and very self-motivated. While these characteristics might be a good start for college, I hope to accomplish much more.
Let’s start with who I hope to be. In the future, my biggest hope is being happy. Now, what I think would make me happy in the future now, might change, just like it has changed since fifth grade. So, what I think would make me happy would be having a job as the head of marketing for a professional sports team, preferably basketball, but I am not picky. Another thing I currently get a lot of happiness from my family, and someday I hope to have a family of my own to come home to. To me having a successful career means nothing without having

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