
My Goals For Test

Decent Essays

My Goal Learning goals are unique per person as each student wants to improve on different things. Coming to the end of this course, I realized it is important to set a goal that is SMART. “SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely” (Brock University, 2015). A weakness I have is testing. There are various areas that lead to my weakness in testing, however in order to fix it I know I have to work step by step. To make my goal attainable, I decided to start with improving my test anxiety. My goal is to improve my testing through controlling my anxiety.
“Test anxiety can prevent you from doing your best on exams. It can be serious but it also can be managed” (Brock University, 2015). There a several …show more content…

I will stay prepared for tests by not falling behind in the material taught (Brock University, 2015). A part of my anxiety comes from feeling a lack of control over the situation. By staying on top of my class work I do not have to study as much prior to a test. I would have already understood the material prior to a test and therefore I would only need to review it. In Chapter 6 Ellis (2012) suggests rehearsing by reviewing the material regularly. While reviewing, I should create questions in the same format as the test will be (Ellis et al., 2012, p.194-195). By practicing regularly, I will know what to expect and feel more confident when entering a test. This should reduce my nervousness and stress prior to the …show more content…

If I do not get the result I want after each step I know all the negativity will bounce back. I will think this is pointless and there is no way for me to achieve this goal. This will cause me to get frustrated and give up on the goal. I can overcome this is by reasoning with me and visualizing success (Ellis et al., 2012, p.206). I am not getting better where I am right now and it cannot get any worst. I know this is an issue I had for a while, its time I come out and face it. By reasoning and remembering why I set this as a goal in the first place I can overcome this barrier. The third challenge is controlling my emotions. While going through the steps, I know that the thing on my mind will be what if this does not work. The fluctuation of emotions will cause me to not want to continue or give up. It will also cause me a lot of stress because I am scared and anxious about the outcome. I can overcome this barrier by clearing my mind immediately when fear comes into my mind. By doing so, I can focus on my objective of this goal and keep working towards it.
How will I know that this plan will help me meet my

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