
My Grandfather Over Hoye: A Breakdown Of My Family Tree

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This is a breakdown of my family tree on my dads moms side of the family. I am not sure where the Cieklinski name game from because my grandpa passed away before I was alive. Image result for norway FLAG

My great great grandfather Over Hoye was born in Norway on February 28,1854. In 1878, he came to the United States at the age of 24 with his young wife Ingeborg Wistad. They went to Winneshiek County, Iowa and lived their for one year. After that they went to Yellow Medicine County, MN. They had their first child Morton in December of 1880. They also had 6 other children, four of them died in childhood at age three, seven and fifteen.

In 1881 they moved their property in ox pulled wagons to Honeyford, North Dakota near Grand Forks.

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