
My Grandmother: The Diagnosis Of Alzheimer's Disease

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It was a cold, dark, and brisk Christmas night. The snow outside looked like powdered sugar. It was for sure my first white Christmas. My entire family was at my house. We have a gathering every year; especially because my grandmother is coming of age. The year is 2035. Grandmother has had recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. Which is when you forget who you are, loved ones, and daily tasks. She forgot my name for the 3rd time this month alone. It makes me upset; she doesn’t take her medication for her liver. She was an alcoholic and needed medication to help her weak liver become healthy and strong again. She also needed medication for anxiety and depression. When she doesn't take her medication she gets bags under her eyes; and has scars …show more content…

She was 24 years old and living with me in Chicago. Things seemed to be going the way she planned. Minus me of course. My mom got a call from grandma. All I remember was her on the speakerphone with grandma; and grandma crying her eyes out saying “why would rob do this to me, i'm going to kill myself.” My grandmother was distraught. She believed that drinking would be a good last resort, since this was her third divorce in 7 years. She had became and alcoholic for several years. Distanced herself from everybody, tried killing herself, developed depression & anxiety. All seemed to be lost with my grandmother. She was slowly slipping from the handle on reality. My mother told her “Mom, I will come and get you, you need to get out of the house. Get your stuff ready and pack clothes for a week.” My mother puts my coat on, ties my shoes, and grabs my hand and guides me out the door with her. The car ride was around 3 hours long. It's in the middle of June so it’s beating hot outside. My mother is sweating bullets because, the air conditioning to the driver’s and passenger's doesn’t work. We finally reach grandmother's house. My mother helps me out of the car and we stretch our legs for a second. We walk up to the door; the door was slightly open. My mom pushes it open,”Mom we’re here… Where are you?” my mother says. We look in the kitchen and there is a note on the kitchen table with a bottle of wine and a half drank glass of it. The note …show more content…

My own grandmother passed away because of me. I killed her. The tears run down my face, my face turns purple and and scream at the top of my lungs. The thought of killing my own grandmother seemed like a heartless thing to do. I loved her, I knew about her weak lungs. Why couldnt have I checked to see if she was breathing last night? I think too much of myself rather than anybody else. She couldn't even rely on me to check on her every so often. I am not reliable. I hate myself. Nobody has ever been reliable to my grandmother, and for me knowing that and not letting her rely on me to do things for her, is shitty. I screwed her over. She's dead now, and it's all my

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