
My Gulogy : My Grandfather

Decent Essays

When I look at him, it is like I am looking in a mirror fifty years from now. We have the same chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. We both have a deep, dark complexion. Sometimes I see old pictures and I am not sure who it is, my grandfather or me. When I think about him, the word that comes to mind is love. When I am in the middle of a race, feeling exhausted, and am in the need of motivation, I can hear him cheering me on. His deep encouraging voice pushes me to speed up and finish the race. My grandfather not only encourage me in cross country, but he also tries to encourage me throughout every aspect of my life. My grandpa is a very influential part of my life. As I grow, I try as hard as possible to take how he lives and emulate it in my life.
Although his hands are as rough and dry as sandpaper, they are one of the things I most admire about him. The roughness is evidence of his hard work ethic. He is always hammering, sanding and puttering around. He loves to create and build. This is part of his generous heart. He loves to give to his family so he is constantly making things for us to use. When my sister wanted a desk for her bedroom, he designed and built a beautiful piece of furniture that she will treasure for her whole life. Last summer he made an incredible bench out of water skis so we can sit and look out at the lake. As our family has gotten older and bigger, it is harder for us all to fit around one patio table to eat and play cards. When I told him we

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