
My Hero Research Paper

Decent Essays

Everyone of God's creatures has a different judgement about what a hero is. They come in many forms, dimensions, have different features, morals, and principles. For me, a hero is someone who will put a hundred percent determination into shielding you from any type of pain. They will never stop providing you with the refuge of safety; and will share with you the information required for survival. A hero doesn’t have to have faultless person, high significance in the world, or have a classic sandwich named after them in the local pub. A hero just needs to be someone who cares about your well-being and loves you for being who you really are. In this case I admire my hero for her bravery and her strength of character all through her personal life …show more content…

My mother feels my discomfort and agony way before I can even realize I was going through something. She comprehends and understands my necessities before I can even think of them. My mother has been an astonishing inspiration on my life and will forever be. She’s the kind of mom who takes time out and cares for all three of her children. She’s the mom who has never let her adversities in her life bother her children. My mother has always been a very solid person to me, and growing up with someone like her to look up to over the years has changed my life in ways that without her I could only imagine. She has helped me mature physically, mentally, and emotionally. She showed me how to always love, care, and give back to the people I am appreciative …show more content…

A hero is supposed to have huge effects on one’s life. My mom is my hero in numerous ways, not just because she is my mom and I love her, but because of how she overpowered struggles in her adolescence. My mom has a solid sense of guidance, because of the fact that she basically raised her three brothers and sisters. When asked to do anything, she never hesitated to get the duty accomplished. My mom as shown me right from wrong and has provided me with everything I need to succeed. She is the strongest person that I know and exhibits all the qualities of a leader and a hero. She is my role model and she has always been there for me. Even though many people have role models and hero-worship those that are well-known I try and imitate myself after my mother. I do this because she has never done anything incorrect in my judgments. She has always made the choices that put others first and the ones that guarantee the security and best interest of her household. That to me shows that she is a very caring and loving individual. She has supplied for me and my two sisters as a single parent. There have been countless other people in her circumstances who would have given up. But my mom has brawled hard for our household and for me personally. With nearly no help from anybody else my mom has groomed my sisters and me into some great

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