
Definition Essay: Who Is My Hero

Decent Essays

Who is a hero for you, and why are they a hero for you? For many people often we see a hero on the tv, as in someone who has cape, someone who has strong muscles and can fly and also fights crime, but for others a hero is someone who is putting others before themselves even when they don’t need to, a hero can be anyone. For me, my hero is my mom for many reasons. A hero is noble, caring but is never harmful. A hero is generous, thoughtful and not evil. My mom is a generous person she is always kind towards even when they don’t need it. A hero is generous this is why, for example, my mom makes dinner for everyone else before herself, then sits down at the table last. In the quote, Joseph Campbell explains what a hero does when he said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” (Joseph Campbell). A hero’s job is to protect those around them, my mom does whatever she can to take care of us and keep us from harm, especially when she tells me something is not okay to do because it won’t be safe, she always is checking in to she if I’m doing fine. Therefore, my mom is there to protect me like a true hero should do. …show more content…

A hero is always considerate this is why, my mom is mindful of what she says, when she knows what she says or does could hurt someone she avoids hurting people's feelings, she uses her power of heroism wisely to care for others. The quote, explains who a hero could be, or who a hero is when Springboard page 96 states, “Heroes often look like the normal people we see walking down the street and they might be the plainest form of normal there is.” ( Page 96 Springboard). A hero doesn’t always necessarily have to wear a cape, a hero can be an ordinary person, a hero could be a doctor or someone who is in the military and to others sometimes even a dog. Therefore a hero can be anyone but a hero cannot be

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