
My High Year : My Life After High School

Decent Essays

Senior year is a big year, the year when you have a lot of last firsts, having to apply for colleges and having to decide what you want to do with your life after high school. It's the year to surely remember and is very important. I have a lot of goals this year that I hope to achieve, but there are also things that I am worried about. This year for my senior year this year I am hoping to achieve certain goals such as the school year being a breeze and not very stressful. I wanted to be able to enjoy my last year of high school instead of stressing out about certain classes. I wanted to strongly focus on the classes that I needed in order to graduate which is Math and English then take easy courses for the remaining periods, so I am not feeling overwhelmed or being stressed out .Also hoping to manage excellent grades in all my classes, especially the dance courses I am taking at YSU. Even though I am taking easy courses in high school and a few college dance courses at YSU, I still want to manage excellent grades without stress.
After this school year my plans are to hopefully take everything I have learned this past year to help me succeed in college with certain skills or strategies even though I might skip the college experience for my first year. After graduating, I am hoping to succeed at my audition with trying to dance on a cruise ship for a year or even become a Rockette. If I would happen to make one of those auditions, then I would apply to take college courses

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