
Senior Year Research Paper

Decent Essays

I cant believe that I am finally a senior in high school it seems just like yesterday I was beginning high school. As I begin my final year I am beginning to realize that this year I will be faced with many responsibilities and will make tons of memories. But I hope that I am able to make my senior year the best yet. Through this final year I hope to have passing grades in all of my classes, to win pep rallies, and to have perfect attendance.
One of my goals for senior year is to pass all of my classes so that I am ready when I get to college. I will do everything that is put in front of me to the best of my ability no matter how big or how small the task is. Even if some of the things that I have put in front of me might make me stumble and want to give up and just not continue through it I want to press through and finish what is out in front of me. I know that things will get hard and that I will begin to get stressed out but I do not want to let it stop me from achieving my goal. When I think things are all good and if I slow down that nothing will happen I want to not allow myself to slow down when the end of the tunnel is near. …show more content…

I want to make sure that I am not coming into class late like I have in the previous years. I want to know that this year I will not have one tardy or one absence be the reason I do not have perfect attendance. In the past I didn’t care if I was a few minutes late or not but this year I do. This year I want to make sure I am eligible to not have to take any final exams that I am clear all the way through. That I wont have to worry if this one test is going to be the reason that I do not pass. Even if it seems that the exams wont harm me I want to make sure they definitely will not by not allowing myself to have to take them. Therefore I want to make sure that I do everything that I need to do to make sure that I have perfect

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