
My Identity Essay

Decent Essays

My identity guides my decision-making, thoughts, ideas, and dreams. I have inherited genetic and physical traits passed down from generation to generation, but I have also been raised by amazing people which has helped shape a part of who I am today. I feel, act, think, and dream differently. People may have some of these things in common with one another, but they will not be totally the same. It is like a fingerprint, unique. My identity has developed over many years and has been put together by the people I have been influenced by, and also by the decisions and choices I have made. It comes from my ability to think, reason and form an opinion as a human being. Finding out who I am just takes the time of sitting down and thinking of the importance in my life. Who am I? I am Karah Vance, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and identities. The many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am. My identity is something only I can fully and truly define. My identity is often tied up in my roles and relationships. I have a passion for playing soccer, which makes me an athlete; I have two brothers, which makes me a sister; I have two loving parents, which makes me a daughter; I am in college studying to become a doctor, which makes me a student; and I have wonderful friends in need of support, which makes me a wonderful best friend. Sometimes I feel like giving up on school because at times, it's too hard and too much

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