
My Image Of My Grandmother

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My image of my grandmother, bev,is at our rustic cabin in northern Wisconsin, the sharp, rich, smell of fresh roasted Folgers coffee wafting through the modest house. She sits calmly on the couch, eyes glued to the news. Her elegant white hair, wet, rolled up in curlers. Her pink cotton robe laid over a comfy blue long sleeve with a delicate flower stitched onto the left side of her chest, adorned with crystals and sequins. As soon as I would enter the room she would jump to her feet offering me breakfast and asking how I slept. She was always one to care for everyone, she worried how they slept, if they ate. I sometimes thought she worried more about others than herself. She was always thoughtful and kind. One of the main things I remember from my grandmother's legacy was the way she spoke, her words wrapped you up in a warm blanket and rubbed your back until you felt better. My grandmother never swore, not even my father remembers more than one instance of her saying anything even close to a swear word . She always thought swearing made you sound illiterate, like you couldn’t find a better word to use. In fact when I was younger my other grandmother, Jane, had what one may call a vulgar vocabulary, she was a smart woman but she swore like a sailor. So as I was a child I would pick up on words and phrases and use them without truly knowing what they meant, and my grandmother, with her potty mouth would often use the word balls.As I said I was a small child and I picked this

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