
My Interest On Financial Management

Decent Essays

The popular proverb of "knowledge is power" has been my driving force for every endeavor in life. It means knowledge is more powerful to physical strength and the practice of this aphorism made me believe that every successful business thrives on adequate understanding and efficient application of financial management. My interest in financial management in agribusiness was spurred on after taking a course on agricultural finance and cooperative. I learned that finance (money) is the live wire of every business. Perhaps this is why much as been continuously said about the indispensability of finance in the revival and growth of agriculture in Nigeria. Being raised in a country where there are high agricultural resources for financial …show more content…

I served as a member of student council occupying the position of the "Daniel Hall Representative of Landmark University Hall of Residence. I supervise weekly community development and environmental activities, facilitates effective communication between students and staff in the university. Also, in subsequent years, I was the financial secretary of "Prison Support Team" under the big umbrella of Landmark University Liberation Army, a non-profit voluntary community development/charity organization from 2013 to 2015. I was involved in keeping financial records of all activities geared towards reaching out to inmates at various prisons across Nigeria. In spite of all these responsibilities, I made sure my extra-curricular activities did not affect my primary purpose in school. I studied hard and made sure my grade never for once dropped rather, it increased with great effect as I progressed and I was able to graduate with a First Class Honours at the long run.
To gain practical knowledge in my field of study, I currently work as an executive assistant to the general manager in the accounting and finance department of an agribusiness firm where expectations are high and meeting deadline is paramount. This availed me the opportunity of working in a dynamic and competitive business environment. Being continuously tasked with my job helped me realized the actual value of responsibility, time

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