
My Interview With Gloria, A Middle Aged Female

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In a society like the one that we live in, culture and lifestyles vary to the greatly. All across the world, there are many different cultures, and many of these people with different cultures live in the melting pot that the United States has become. We can easily become close-minded about other religions and cultures. This could be because of the way we believe, or the way we grew up, by our parents, even where and when we grew up. Usually the values and beliefs that your parents can have an impact on their children 's values and beliefs as well. I am going to look further into the lifestyle of another individual different from me, as impacted by an individual 's development and growth. I will determine how different races, religions, and cultures have affected this individual, and compare and contrast her culture from mine.
My interview was with Gloria, a middle aged female who lives at In Jacksonville and works at a doctor’s office. She is single, with 4 children and 3 grandchildren. After the death of her father last year her mother moved in with her. Gloria was born in India, where she lived for twelve years. At the age of two, Gloria 's father moved to the United States because of poverty issues and to make a better life for his family. Gloria tells me in India, there were no hospitals really close by, unlike ours here in America. In India, the doctor came to the village that you lived in, once a year for your yearly examinations. Gloria explained to me that between

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