
My Journey In Life

Decent Essays

My story begins on the night of January 3, 2009. I never knew something so profound and distinct could come out of a situation not every young adult gets presented with. Had it not been for this night, my destiny would have a different ending. The passion to succeed and make my story become a non-fictitious life event has been the sole source of my motivation to fulfilling my dream of becoming a nurse.
Growing up, I had a solid foundation. The fierceness, quiet confidence, independence and determination I established when I was a little girl have been vital in achieving success in life thus far. My father recognized these traits in me and helped develop and mold them into a strong work ethic. I was always encouraged to give my all in every task or challenge life threw at me, and I know these characteristics will never falter because they are at the base of my core. The strength of these characteristics always levels me out to think critically and logically, which I know is an important skill to have in this field. Another trait that was recognized by my father is my compassion. As I dig into my memory, there has never been a time where I have not felt the need to understand someone or someone’s situation. People like us know we were put on this earth to serve the world and others to make it more united. Thinking back on memories of always wanting to help others and patch situations makes me realize a career in nursing was in my future long before I decided to apply for this

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