
My Lai Inhumane Incident

Decent Essays

On March 16, 1968, "Charlie Company" was sent into a little Viet Cong town called (by the U.S.) My Lai 4. Their directions by bosses were: "... murder each man, lady, tyke and creature in the town. Blaze every one of the homes.... nothing ought to be strolling, developing or creeping." The very word "My Lai" is synonymous with war zone monstrosity. There were a lot of reasons for the misconduct and inhumane acts carried out by the American soldiers in the village. The biggest being is the lack of quality leadership which can best be analyzed on the fact that most of the soldiers after the whole incident stated that they were just following orders given to them by the officials above them. Kenneth Hodges, an American soldier, defended his inhumane

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