
My Life After The Hospital

Decent Essays

It was Friday, July 15th 2005, I woke up to my grandma telling me with happy tears in her eyes that my mom was in the hospital. I froze, I was shocked, I didn’t know what was going on. “What happened” I asked my grandma worried about my mom. She didn’t answer. I once again I asked “What happened”, I got no answer. I’ve never been so worried in my life, I thought something bad happened to her. After me constantly asking the same question over and over I finally got an answer. Once I found out the answer I was trying to keep my cool, but I couldn’t. So many different emotions were running through my body. All I wanted to do that day was go to the hospital and be with my mom and dad.
The car ride was long and stressful. There was a huge …show more content…

I wanted to meet my new baby brother or sister right now, I didn’t want to wait any longer.
I still haven’t ate breakfast that day, I was starving. My grandma took me to the hospital cafeteria. The hospital cafeteria food was the worst food I have ever tasted, I was trying so hard not to throw it up once I forced it down.
Finally after what felt like forever we were called down to my moms room. I ran into the room with a huge smile on hoping she was there, but she wasn’t there, the expression on my face changed right away. The bed was empty and the room was silent, my mom wasn’t laying down with my baby brother or sister like I was imagining she would be. I started to freak out, I started to cry again. I thought something bad happened while my new sibling was being born. Before I was able to run into my grandma 's arms the door quickly swung open. The doctor was pushing the bed, there was my mom and my new baby brother. My mom looked like she was in so much pain but she also looked relieved in finally having the baby in her arms. I quickly ran into my mom 's arms with tears in my eyes. I’ve never been so happy in my life, and then I saw my baby brothers face. I’ve never seen anything like that, he was so cute. He had a little nose and chubby cheeks with a hint of red in them. When I looked into his eyes, I saw a little sparkle in his bright blue eyes. “What

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