
My Life Change : John D.

Decent Essays

My Life Change John D. was referred to outpatient therapy for substances abuse counseling by his family member. John was a step down patient from residential treatment and has complete Partial Hospitalization as well. John has past treatment episode and states that this is his fifty-four treatment episode. John reports that he has several periods of abstinence three years and then four at another time. He reports having a high school diploma and Associates Degree. John report no past or present legal problems. He also reports no medical problems past or present. John report he is taking psychotropic medication. John states and has from time to time however does not really like to.
John reports he worked at Chrystal Motor company for thirty-five years and is currently is retired. John retired from the positon about four years ago. John stated that he would like to have a part time job to keep him occupied. He reports one prior marriage that end in divorce as results of his substance use disorder after he begin using cocaine. He also states he has three adult children and is estrange from them and his sister.

John reported that his alcohol use started about the age of fourteen where he drank beer from a family member can every now then. He stated over the years it progresses to a fifth of Crown Royal daily. John state when his alcohol use progress he begins to utilizing his employee assistance program going in out of different treatment programs over a period of

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