
My Life: Jerecuaro Guanajuato, Mexico

Decent Essays

I was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere in a country known for poor life conditions. That place was Jerecuaro Guanajuato, Mexico, and being born there really didn’t mean much. My mother was a nineteen year old girl, and my father was an absent twenty year old. Not that he wanted to be absent. He was working you see far from home, in the U.S. Why though, well that was so my mom and I could eat. Which meant I could have a slightly better life. When I turned 5 my mom took me on a trip to someplace strange, I didn’t really know where I was going all I knew was I’d finally get to meet my dad. So after about a week long trip I arrived in Laredo Texas, where we stayed for a week or so before we were driven to Austin. My life completely

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