
My Love For Dance

Decent Essays

When I first started to dance my family was very supportive and helped me prepare. There was never dancing in my household, dance was an interest I developed on my own. I have a very small family so it's just me, my mom and dad so we do not have special events with music and dancing. My mom and dad is very supportive of my dance aspirations. Especially my mom has pushed me during the times that I no longer wanted to dance and she has encouraged me to keep dancing and keep trying my best. When I was in my junior year of high school I was questioning if I wanted to dance anymore because I wanted to feel the freedom of being a “normal” teenager and go out with friends after school and not go to dance rehearsals all night long. My mom encouraged me to remember why I danced and that I have a gift and I shouldn't waste it. Looking back at my experiences of balancing high school and competition dance I do not regret it. I am very proud that I stuck with it. When ever I have rough day at dance or am feeling frustrated with it I will always think back to what my mom had said to be and channel her words of encouragement.
When I was 2 I started dancing and it was more of a “let's put you in dance class because you will look cute in the leotard and tutu” but as I grew older I developed a passion and love for dance. The first time I danced outside my house was at a dance studio not far from my house. The studio is called The Dance and Music Academy. Although I can’t remember

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