
My Experience Of Dance

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At the age of four, my mom signed me up for dance class. After only a couple of classes it became very clear that dance was a passion of mine. My mom said she could tell by the the way my face lit up during class and my uttermost love for pink frilly costumes and sparkly makeup. I was an extremely shy-toddler- the kind that would hide behind their mom when an adult approached. Being so shy, I had a really hard time expressing myself. However, when I danced, I felt confident and opened up to the girls in my class. After my first recital, I realized that I was a natural performer. I loved having the attention on me and getting the adrenaline rush when being on stage.
As I started getting older the dance world I was in got more competitive. Competition dance did not come easy for me. My dance studio would split you up into either the “A” team or “B” team. I danced with the “A” team, but was always the weak link of that group. The dances challenged me more than anyone else on my team. Trying to comprehend this as a 10 year old was extremely difficult for me. I would get so upset with myself and wonder why I had to be the worst, and be the one that struggled the most. Today, I am so happy that I had the life experience of being challenged, because it taught me about hard work and dedication at such a young age. I would go home every night and stretch, work on the challenging skills in my dances, and go over my dances just about a million times to make sure that I would not

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