
My Love Of Books And Language

Decent Essays

My love of books and language began in an unexpected way. When I was eight years old, my sister and I switched rooms, and I was given the larger one. In revenge, my sister convinced my parents to use this room as the family library. At the time I was furious at the thought of books taking the place of my doll collection and having to move my stuffed animals to the attic. But I soon grew accustomed to falling asleep facing a wall of novels arranged in alphabetical order. And when I could not fall asleep, I played a game that I loved. I would choose a title, say “The Visit” on the second shelf, at the end of the D section, asking myself, “what visit could be so important that an entire book would be written about it?” Then it dawned on me; my parents frequently said, “Don’t rest your elbows on the table, you couldn’t eat like that if the Queen of England was coming.” This was the most important visitor I could think of. Maybe this story took place out in the British countryside and she was riding in her carriage, and decided to visit the family of a farmer. It might have been around tea time and they were eating scones and strawberry jelly...slowly I would nod off to sleep amid my fantastic adventures from “Jude the Obscure” to “Zorba the Greek.” Growing up, I began to read the works that filled my room, I even learned that “Far from the Madding Crowd” was not really about a fugitive trying to run away from a crowd of crazy people. I learned to love novels and poetry. It was

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