
My Love Of Life In Life

Decent Essays

Flurries of snow roiled in motion under the command of capricious, roaring winds. I stood and marveled at the sight as my eyes traced the white balls thudding against the ground and architectures all at once at exactly the same speeds. Particles of snow danced in joyful synchronization in mid December of ‘05. This was my earliest recollection. This was the day I left my family 12,678 kilometers away to come to the United states for the pursuit of a better way of life. I remember sitting on a rusty old bench on the first day of Kindergarten. The sounds of children at play echoed from the playground, stomping and running and laughing. None of the worries of adults crossed their minds, only how to elude capture by their friends. The rhythmic creaking of swings went back and forth, and some kids tried to time their jumps from the swings to the rhythm. I was one of those children growing up who would pry open a brand new remote control car to pull every component apart than play with it. I surmise this is where my love of engineering truly began. When I was an alumni at Saint Andrew School, I obtained leadership skills and found passion for what I love the most, technology. I participated in the Coding Club. I learned that coding is a rewarding way to learn about the technology that surrounded me. Coding changed the way I perceived things. It fostered algorithmic thinking skills that will help me in a myriad of pursuits going forward. I gained popularity among my

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