
My Major Changes Essay

Decent Essays

Major change does not come easy! There is always the fear of the unknown that prevents change. Me and my family had to sacrifice the stability of our life and what we had got in order to get to somewhere better. When I first came to US from Tehran, Iran(Persia), I had to adapt to the newly introduced environment quickly. I had barely one month to adapt and start school and I didn't want to feel behind of the other students. It was overwhelming for the first time to rely on myself to solve such a big problem without the help of others.I’ve been trying my best to get to the colleges that I want to get to despite the fact that I had way less time than the student who have started school in Junior High school and didn’t have time racing with them. …show more content…

It was devastating for my family to start over from point zero after all we’ve been through to get to where we were and all out efforts and moments of hardships.In the process of settling down, I had to be there for my parents at their lows. It struck me that I had to take responsibility for myself and those around me as an adult. I had to solve my problems solemnly and take responsibility for my actions despite all the pain and pressure that I had to take in and keep it in and let no one notice it. I also tried to keep my academic life untouched of this pressure that was caused after the migration and settling down from a much lower lifestyle that we had before migration, but they were moments that it had affected my academic performance. Also I felt the responsibility to become successful and not give up since my parents sacrificed so much for me to get here. I didn’t want all their efforts and all the pain and hardships that we took in go to waste, thus I feel that I have to pursue my studies and not give up no matter how hard it

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