I believe we have a messed up generation. It’s true, every kid is disrespecting their parents, on their phones all the time, or even try to “Netflix and Chill”. Don't get me wrong I do all of those things, but I want to change that. The other day my mother left to the store, so she told me to watch my little brother and sister, I was paying attention to my sister mostly on how often she checks her phone to go on social media or answer a text. I counted over 50 times in last 15 minutes. My dad got home from work early and as he was doing paperwork, I asked him on his opinion on this generation. He said that the new technology is devouring the child’s mind to the point where they forget their manners. He also said if we keep going with this technology advancement, we’ll end up like the people from Wall-E. I go ask my sister’s opinion on this generation, she said that she doesn’t see anything wrong with this generation other than that billionaire running for president. My sister is one of those people who want to fit in by asking my parents for a phone and she doesn't even need it. She’s in the fifth grade with an IPhone 5 and I didn't get a phone until the seventh grade. The day after I go on my Snapchat to check all of friend’s storyline and I find this one girl who puts a black screen and having a sad song going on in the background, …show more content…
I remember my mom told me a story when she was a child and how she would go out into the street after school all afternoon until dusk selling homemade candy, just so she can afford a meal for herself. Everytime I hear that story it makes me want to tear up. We need to actually start doing something. We can all change into good people, no more violence, slacking at school, or rude behavior. I believe we can change the world and make it into a better place for the next
Based on the stories my parents told me, I’m very excited to be a teenager in 2016. When they were teenagers in the early 90’s, they didn’t have internet, cell phone, or social media. Although many things were different during that time, they always seem to remind me of the old phrase, “The more things change, the more things stay the same.” I recently read the article, “What Our Words Tells Us”,by David Brooks. Brooks believes the atomization and demoralization of our society means our society has no connection with past generations and that today’s society lacks morals. I believe today’s generation is just as morally conscious as the generations before.
In “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” written by, the Psychology Doctor, Jean M. Twenge, she presents the results produced after twenty-five years of research (Twenge para3). Her research was carried out to understand the new generation and explain how it differs to the previous generations (Twenge para9). Although her style is indeed formal, she utilized a heavy amount of credentials, logos, emotional appeal and a factual tone, to enforces her appeal on the parents of the kids of this new generation. Furthermore, she underlays her stand on the topic throughout her analysis, rather than having a direct approach and states actual percentages to compare previous generations to the new one, which leads to a sense of validity. It is not until the very end, that she finally states her stand in a more direct sense, since she has now gained the trust of her audience.
As generations go by, our predecessors assume we are skipping out on important aspects of life just to get a few extra minutes on our devices. In Catherine Rampell’s “A Generation of Slackers? Not So Much”, it is said the older generations believe Generation Y is “coddled, disrespectful, narcissistic, and impatient” (Rampell 388). In all reality our generation is just doing what it has to in order to thrive in the world we live in, where technology is one of the largest parts of our everyday lives. If the older generations that criticize Generation Y had grown up in Generation Y they would realize the world we live in requires the use of technology. The advancement of society with technology has shaped Generation Y to be the people that they are, relying on technology; however, older generations believe Generation Y is lazy.
My mother would often say of my brother and I have it easier than when she was younger. She says that this generation is a lot lazier and more entitled than hers was. With the newest and latest devices and gadgets coming out every year, she says that the youth feels entitled to have them, but don’t want to do the work to get them. Both of my mom and dad had jobs when they were younger as well as most of their friends, making it her generation's American identity. She explained that there was not as many working laws for teenagers back then for after school jobs. With this came more responsibility, she also said that there was a lot more respect for adults as well as others in general. Things like Facebook allow youth to make rude comments on other’s posts without much thought of what they’re actually
I really enjoyed reading your post and the way it was presented. I love how detailed and eloquent your answers are. I definitely agree with your perspective that technology is the main reason that this generation is very spoiled. Louis C.K. had a point when he stated that this generation is spoiled. Technology has made this generation less patient as well more dependable. This generation has become so lazy to do anything on their own. I really agree that technology has ruined our lives because people back in the old days didn't have the technology we have today, but when something needs to be done, then they get the job done mostly with muscle. Kids used to play outdoors and were physically active, but now they are just stuck
This generation is full of parents staring at their phone and technology, so the kids go being ignored. I saw that parents are still kids at heart sometimes, after seeing the parents play with the son’s Nintendo DS once they were sleep. I learned that we are never too old to use our imagination every once and a while.
The generation of people under the age of 30 are not the dumbest generation. Due to the increase in use of technology people believe that it is causing are generation to lack intelligence. But technological advances like video games, having access to the web and having the ability to research online have improved students academic results and social skills. Throughout are generation video games have provided us with many skills that have benefited are generation in multiple ways.
We rely heavily on technology because it has altered our brains to only be able to think in the way that technology presents information. This presentation is a rapid, surface level feeding of information. A study on multi-tasking, video games, and learning preformed at UCLA stated that “most visual media sources are real-time media that do not allow time for reflection, analysis or imagination — those do not get developed by real-time media such as television or video games” (Wolpert). This means that because visual media is live, people are unable to think critically about what is being displayed, therefore their comprehension on the subject is lower. The extent of influence technology has had on our generation is especially apparent to me because of the age gap between my parents and I. I constantly have my parents making fun of me for taking too many selfies, criticizing me for having my phone with me when I go to eat, and even making me put my phone in my purse when I drive to and from places for safety precautions. They have made me much more aware of how I constantly need a distraction or think I can multi task by being on my phone when I am trying to complete an assignment. Ultimately, my parents have made me more aware of my habits but because of the society I am living in, these habits will be hard to
A few years ago, I decided to learn sign language. It was not a project for a class, a requirement to graduate, or a fact that everyone knew. I just wanted to learn sign language, so I did what many twenty-first century millennials do and downloaded an app. The app showed me diagrams to learn basic phrases, videos to perfect the movements, and lessons to learn more efficiently. The technology of the app made learning sign language easy, and I could use it wherever I went. I thought that I was smart for using technology to learn specific things, but Mark Bauerlein, the author of a 2008 book called The Dumbest Generation, would disagree. According to Bauerlein, twenty-first century teenagers possess “low knowledge levels” when compared to past generations because of the increased use of technology. However, Bauerlein is mistaken. This generation is not “the dumbest generation” because we focus on different topics, we write more often, and we know that every generation has been called “the dumbest”.
Today's generation is more connected to technology and are living faster paced lives than any other generation preceding them. In the generation of the millennials the presents of technology is everywhere from the time they wake up till the time they go to sleep; they are influenced by technology in all aspects of their life. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “Children 11 to 14 spend more than 50 hours a week in front of a screen” (qtd. in Egan and Egan). This connection to technology consumes a lot of their time and leaves little to no time to concentrate on the physical world around them. Technology hinders a millennials ability to have a sense of connection and responsibility for their natural world.
Having a kid these days are really hard; I have a baby sister her name is Jasmine, Jasmine is five years old now. When she was two years old, she knew how to use the I-pad and the laptop. Also now she always come from school and stay on the laptop and doesn’t care about anything else around her. Actually it is not her fault in the first place, it was my family and I’s fault because we didn’t have time for her when she was young, every one of us have their own thing to do. My sister is not the only one that has this problem, all the young age kids are like that and because they grow up with any technology in their hands, they think that it is their lives and they have nothing else to do. This problem can be solved by the parents
The older kids who were born in 1998 through roughly 2002, so between the ages of 18 and 14, seem to have much less of a dependence on technology for interaction, because they can remember a time when technology was not always right there in their pockets. This is something that you can see just in walking down the street, and interestingly enough, the iphone came out in 2007, and that is when technology really took off. But for that younger age group, they have never known a life without all this technology. They all have phones, most of them have smartphones, or ipods which today are almost the equivalent of a smartphone. They are all constantly connected to their friends, always posting, snapping, sharing, liking, revining, commenting, they never have to be alone. It also seems that every other time you turn a corner, a parent is telling their kid to get off of their phone, or take out the headphones. And when they finally put them away, they are still distracted, wondering who might be texting them, or who just posted a picture. Parents are suggested to let kids do their thing on their phone, but it is a good idea teaching them how to be safe (Social Networking), because there are all kinds of stuff out there that children probably shouldn't be exposed to. But what does this say about the future? When the kids finally look up from their phones, are they going
In the article “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” Jean M. Twenge she argues that a generation has been taken over by smartphones. I agree with Twenge's theories, but I feel that she was over-exaggerating when she states that teenagers are on a "mental-health crisis". Smartphones differ with everyone some people know how to manage their time and still have a social life, but others are certainly more comfortable online than out partying as stated in the article. She is a professor of psychology who research's generational differences, work values, life goals, and also speed of development. She had been researching generational differences for more than twenty-five years. It all started when she was twenty-two years old and a
In “Millennials in the workplace”, Simon Sineks shows his empathetic and humorous side in his interview, describing Millennials in general, but pin points to the ones in the work force today. He does this by showing behind the scenes as to why Millennials are the way they are. He states his four main points of “Parenting, technology, impatient, and environment” (Sineks, interview, 2017, time). What Simon Sineks states throughout the interview is totally relatable to me as a millennial, I could see myself in action from my habits by the many scenarios he explains. So yes, I agree with his main points as to why Millennials is the way they are, but having two out of his four being a part of the cause more than the others. Technology and environment are huge in having children not fully develop their best possible selves. To understand this better you have to consider the individual who live in third world countries compared to the US. When Sineks gives his main point’s his purpose is to give it to anyone who uses their cell phones and social media. Many can accuse millenniums of this habit because yes, we are always on our phones, however, this could also be in effect on generation X.
This generation has obtained a tremendous amount of accessible information through technology. Technology has progressed during this generation which has corrupted the minds of teens everywhere.