
Roger Stilson: A Personal Analysis

Decent Essays

“ El estudio es lo que te va hacer llegar y triunfar en este vida” these are the words of wisdom my parents repeatedly tell me , and how in this world you only have two choices you either make and do something with your life or you throw it all away. Unlike other people I was raced with the mentality of always having a responsibility in life, from helping my mom raise my little brother to always looking out for others. Coming from a low income family I have learn to value things more. The saying “ the joy of leadership is helping others succeed.” from Roger Stilson perfectly defines what my passion in life is.

“I alone can not change the world,but I can cast a stone across water to create many ripples” (Mother Teresa) shows my willingness to make a change in life even if it means I have to take it step by step. Since the age when I began to speak and walk I would always find the way to help those in need. I watched my parents struggle to pay bills and always stressing out over if we had enough to eat. Helping others was what made me feel like I had a meaning in life. It was the littlest things that made me happy from watching a baby’s laugh to feeding the poor. In eighth grade Mrs.Perez the librarian along with myself helped to organize a group which gathered donations of clothes and canned …show more content…

Never allow yourself to be made a victim, accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself (Tim Fields) because I myself became a victim of bullying. I was greatly intimidated by my opponent for she was much larger than I was but also much aggressive. This moment allowed me to become stronger and stand up for those who were getting bullied as a matter of fact student along with some staff members created a club in which student would go around school overseeing those who were being disturbed or simply arguing to help promote peace and a non-bully society which I thought was a great

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