
My Mother The Best Mother

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My mother is one of the best mothers in the world. She always makes sure I have everything I need for school such as pencils, books, computer. My mother also helps me with most of my homework. My mother as provided entertainment for me such as ps4 and Xbox and games for my ps4 and my Xbox. My mother is loving, helpful, respectful, loyal, she kind hearted , and she always has a smile on her face during high times and low times. My mother cooks, clean, and does the chores for everyone in the house and go to work. My mother has two jobs and still finds time takes care of two kids still find time to do all these things all in one. My mother is the best mother a kid could ever ask for. She makes the best foods every and she went to college to be a chef the first two years of college. She says sometimes it is hard for her because she lost her driver's license and does not have a car anymore and taking care of two kids two jobs and having to clean the house and cook on a daily basis. She still the best mother in the world to me. She is the best mother in the world in my book.

Theme statement:
Coming to America My first time leaving my country to go live in another country. I was sad because I was leaving all my friends and family. I had to go to a country that does not speak the same language as me. I had to switch schools in the middle of the school year. It was hard for me to learn English fast enough

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